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Hilary Sideris

A Funeral in Brooklyn

Agreeing on cremation, 

we argue over Game

of Thrones. Chad died so 

young because we’re old. 

He looked like porcelain, 

his dolls’ hands clasped 

around a rosary. That little 

card, whatever it’s called, 

where they will print 

the middle name you hate, 

your dates of birth & death,

you want the photo I took 

last New Year's Eve, 

those irrepressible bubbles

in your raised glass, 

fireworks exploding 

in the window behind you, 

what about me? 

Hilary Sideris has published poems in The American Journal of Poetry, Barrow Street, Bellevue Literary Review, Free State Review, Gravel, Mom Egg Review, Poetry Daily, Rhino, Room, Salamander, Sixth Finch, Sylvia and Women’s Studies Quarterly, among others. Her most recent book, Animals in English, Poems after Temple Grandin, was published by Dos Madres Press in 2020. She is a co-founder of the CUNY Start program at The City University of New York, where she works as a professional developer.

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