We are very happy to announce that we are now members of the Community of Literary Magazines & Presses - a consortium of hundreds of small publishers creating print and digital books, magazines, online publications, chapbooks and zines. You can read more about the organization here: https://www.clmp.org
The core beliefs of CLMP are:
We believe that small literary publishers play a vital role in our culture by connecting the greatest diversity of distinctive writers to equally diverse communities of readers.
We believe that literary publishing is an artistic practice that helps writers realize their artistic vision and readers discover their work.
We believe that by increasing the organizational capacity of small literary publishers we contribute significantly to the vitality and vibrancy of our literary culture.
We believe that being a member of our community means participating in an environment of mutual support with both rights and responsibilities.
We believe in actively engaging those who share our passion for literature— readers, writers, booksellers, librarians, students, educators, funders, business leaders and others—to ensure that small literary publishers, and the work they help shape and make public, will continue to thrive.
CLMP celebrates excellence in both the how and why of what our publishers do: bring readers and writers of literature together in the true spirit of community.